SA Forensic Technical Issues
- We have a white paper on Using SA Forensic.
- Some of the SA Forensic programs use a work profile.
What is a “Work Profile”?
A work profile is an organized database depicting the actual labors of a construction project. When made correctly, it can provide the basis for an analytical analysis that can meet the highest level of scrutiny in a court of law. You can view a typical Work Profile database.
A Work Profile should answer the questions, “What,” “When,” and “How Much.” It should be complete and comprehensive. This database should contain information only in great enough detail to use for analysis without expending any more time and expense than necessary.
Profile Maker must be run first. Before you can use the work profile option of any of the other SA Forensic programs, you must first use Profile Maker to create your Work Profile. A Work profile must be customized for each project that you are working on.
Show me all about SA Profile Maker.
Work Schedule turns existing CPM schedule activities into their work components. Single, multi-day activities are replaced by multiple one-day activities in series depicting the actual days worked. The breakdown of large activities over a period of time into individual work units provides the analyst the opportunity to ‘look inside’ activities and observe the actual work performed.
Comprehensive coding is provided to assist you in orderly report and graphic displays. To create a Work Schedule, you must first have created a Work Profile that describes the actual work performed. This program uses the database produced with SA Forensic Profile Maker.
Show me all about SA Work Schedule.
As-Built Critical Path allows you to designate a Work Profile before you start the Destatus run. During the run, the data date is moved and the progress of each in-progress activity is adjusted accordingly.
If a Work Profile exists for the activity being scheduled, the actual number of days remaining will be ascertained and inserted as current remaining duration before recomputing the CPM. If no Work Profile exists for that activity, then the standard method of modified linear regression using Expected Finish constraints will be used instead. An illustration of these techniques is available.. Work Profiler allows the As-Built Critical Path program to correct the status of an As-Built schedule to be absolutely accurate no matter what data date is chosen.
As-Built Float Calculator takes a much more stringent look at the As-Built Schedule than does the As-Built Critical Path module. It demands better-qualified scheduling data and only works on an extended, day-by-day mode to ensure accuracy. It saves the total float values and the longest path indicator for all active activities for every day that they were in progress and let's you decide what was the critical path.
The best thing about As-Built Float Calculator is the presentation. You can save your data to a spreadsheet where you can look at the individual records or you can actually chart out your entire schedule from start to finish (or using a Window) in a time-scaled fashion. The examples shown here are small ones, but this treatment of your data looks better the bigger it gets!
Schedule Rebuilder also allows you to designate a Work Profile before you start create your missing schedules. When creating a schedule with a new data date, the progress of each in-progress activity is evaluated using the provided Work Profile.
If a Work Profile exists for the activity being scheduled, the actual number of days remaining will be ascertained and inserted as current remaining duration. If no Work Profile exists for that activity, then the standard method of Original Duration - Current Duration is used to compute Remaining Duration instead. Work Profiler allows the Rebuilder to correct the status of an As-Built schedule to be absolutely accurate no matter what data date is chosen.
Resource Checker is used to answer the question, "Is resource leveling actually being followed on this project?" We know that resource leveling is being used to calculate the dates. If this is just a numerical process that is not actually being used on the field or in the office, then one of two things is true; either the parameters being used do not reflect the actual conditions on the field or resource leveling is not being used. If this is the case then there is no reason to use this technique to forecast the effects of delays on your project. Click here to see more.
It is very difficult to get a decent relationship list out of P3. It is impossible to list driving relationships. Relationship Lister quickly and neatly organizes all of this information into an Excel spreadsheet for you. Click here to see an example of this new way of looking at relationships!.
Find P3 Schedulesis a multi-level utility that searches for all P3 schedules on any selected disk drive. It will then research and identify the type of schedules in a selected directory or catalogue detailed summaries in an Excel spreadsheet. FIND P3 is a must for initial Forensic Research. Click here to see a picture of a typical catalogue created..
It is a well known fact that later update versions of schedules sometimes contain changes to dates and status from that which was used in earlier ones. Before you begin your analysis of a schedule, you need to check to see if the dates and status in your schedule are not superceded by later changes. You can do this by looking at the As-Built Schedule and conforming the dates. Compare each Actual Start and Actual Finish with the last schedule to see if the dates have been changed. Schedule Conformer does this for you quickly and then automatically compares the conformed schedule to your original.
Work Day Calculator allows the Forensic Specialists to quickly and accurately perform manual CPM calculations, even with schedules using multiple calendars. All calendars in a schedule are neatly shown in a calculator setting with the appropriate date. A 'date-picker' calendar is provided to make date entry a breeze.Click here to see more.
Note: P3 must already be available on your computer before you may use these programs.