Schedule Analyzer Schedule Analyzer Forensic Overview

Schedule Analyzer Forensic
Relationship Lister
By Ron Winter Consulting LLC, Copyright 2007
(770) 587-4903 or email at

Schedule Analyzer Forensic Relationship Lister reports on every aspect of your P3 schedule relationships and formats this into an easy-to-use Excel spreadsheet for your analyses. Driving and non-driving status is noted. One schedule or an entire program of statused schedules can be quickly and easily organized into a single data base.

Just think of it. In one concise spreadsheet, you have the entire history of all relationships. When they were added, when they were driving and when they turned into non-driving relationships. When the relationship stopped being active and when the relationship was deleted. Even more interesting, quickly locate the schedule update in which the lag value was changed!

Example Relationship Lister Excel Spreadsheet.

The example shown above is just a portion of a typical run. All of the relationships that ever existed on the project are listed down the left side; Predecessor, Successor, Relation Type, and Lag. Then comes each schedule update in order starting with the earliest schedule update (Schedule B182 with a data date of 10MAR97) through to the last schedule update (in this case, Schedule 0682 with a data date of 10NOV97.)

But now it just starts to get interesting! The Key at the top of the figure indicates that driving relationships are shown with a "@", non-driving relationships with an "n" and inactive relationships (those where the predecessor and successor activities are complete) with a "-". But what of the places where the cell is blank? That means that the relationship on the left did not exist in the schedule listed at the top of that column.

We also track the history of relationship lag values but do not clutter-up the display. We only print the new lag values if they change from the original lag listed in the Lag Column. As an example, Relationship 11OPD-1 - 12OPD-1 started out with a lag of 13 and was driving. In Schedule 0280, the lag was reduced from 13 to 3 and was still driving until it became inactive in Schedule 0382.

Let's face it; without Relationship Lister, you are never really going to completely understand what happened on the project over time. Modification of relationships in order to manipulate the schedule is an age-old trick to move your delays off of the critical path and to push the other guy's delays to the forefront. Proving this assertion is very difficult. Relationship Lister makes the proof very straight forward.