The following sample reports were generated from the same schedule from different software platforms. ===================================================================================================== The P3™ out-of-sequence progress listing: Out-of-Sequence Progress Listing Activity Predecessor Rel Lag Description ---------- ----------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------------- 13-13.2 11-08.2b FS 0 Activity started, predecessor has not finished. ===================================================================================================== The P6™ Out-of-sequence progress listing: Out-of-sequence activities.......................................1 Project: BASE-110208 16Dec08 Activity: 13-13.2 Install trombone support hanger ===================================================================================================== The Schedule Analyzer™ eForensic Out-of-Sequence Report listing: OOS Pred Start/On-Time Description ———————— ———————— ————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— 13-13.2 29OCT08-07:00 Install trombone support hanger S=29Oct08-07:00A F=10Nov08-17:00 11-08.2b 04NOV08-07:00 Penthouse frames: Set main roof jo S=03NOV08-07:00 F=03NOV08-17:00 ———————— ———————— ————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Rel/Lag=FS/0, WorkDays-Early=5.00, CalendarDays-Early=6.00 Problem: Activity started, predecessor has not finished. Legend: Proj = Project (omitted if only one project was analyzed.) OOS = Out-of-sequence (successor) activity. Pred = Predecessor activity (with possible delay/interruption.) F = Finish Date and Time, S = Start Date and Time (A =Actual.) Description = Activity description (title.) Rel/Lag = Relationship/Lag Duration. WorkDays-Early = Workdays successor activity started early. CalendarDays-Early = Calendar Days successor started early. ===================================================================================================== Note: The eForensic report has dynamically-sized column widths to minimize report width. If only one schedule is being analyzed, the project name is listed at the top of the report and that column is eliminated from the report, further reducing the report width. It will also express the durations in Hours if requested.