Schedule Analyzer for the Enterprise

Copyright Ron Winter 2003

Sample Baseline Checker Report - Lists Limited to First 10 Entries

                         SA PRO BASELINE CHECKER
                       |        Version 1.01      |
                 Copyright (c) Ron Winter Consulting LLC 2003

    This report was prepared by Ron Winter Consulting LLC.

    BASELINE: HwySouth        Data Date = 25NOV03
              Phase 1 - Southbound
              Analysis Date: 11-26-2003 at 2:38:56 PM 

========================== Administrative Checks ===========================
Database Integrity Check. 
    Check 1. Project mis-match between Activities and WBS.  OK
    Check 2. Project mis-match; Activity Resources and Activities.  OK
    Check 3. Project mis-match; Timesheet Hours and Activity Resources.  OK
    Check 4. Resource mis-match; Timesheet Hours and Activity Resources.  OK
    Check 6. WBS mis-match between Document Assignments and Activities.  OK
    Check 7. Project mis-match between Document Assignments and WBS.  OK
    Check 8. Project mis-match between Project Expenses and Activities.  OK
    Check 9. Project mis-match; Activity Code Assignments and Activities.  OK
    Check 10. Project mis-match between Activity Notebook and Activities.  OK
    Check 11. Project mis-match between Activity Steps and Activities.  OK
    Check 12. Project mis-match between Activity Feedback and Activities.  OK
    Check 13. Project mis-match; Activity Notes/Resources and Activities.  OK
    Check 14. Project mis-match; Activity Relationships and Activities.  OK
    Check 15. Project mis-match between Successors and Activities.  OK
    Check 16. Project mis-match between Calendars and Activities.  OK
    Check 17. Project mis-match; Activity Code Assignments/Activity Codes.  OK
    Check 18. Project mis-match; Doc Assignments/Work Products/Documents.  OK
    Check 19. Project mis-match between Projects and WBS.  OK
    Check 20. Relationship mis-match between Successor and Activities.  OK
    Check 21. Relationship mis-match between Predecessor and Activities.  OK
    Check 22. WBS Parent mis-match between WBS and WBS.  OK
    Database Integrity checks OK.

Administrative Preference Settings [see Admin/Admin Preferences]

        Code Separator Character = "."
            NOTE: The code separator you specify is also the default
                separator for work breakdown structure codes in all projects.

        Week Starting Day = Saturday
            Note: This setting determines what day number is shown when you
                organize your timelines in weeks, months, or years.

        Default Activity Duration = 0 days.
            Note: To aid in adding new activities, this number should be your
                most common duration.

        New Resources use timesheets by default? = No
        Timesheet users enter timesheet hours = By Reporting Period
        Number of decimal digits for recording hours in timesheets = 1 
        Number of future timesheets users are allowed to access = 29
        Timesheet Approval Level = Auto Submission
        Timesheet Approval Type = PM Must Approve Before Resource Manager
        Timesheet Approval = Andy Mason

    Progress Reporter
        Default Time Window on Not-started Activities = 59 days
        Default Time Window on Completed Activities = 62 days
        Log hours on future timesheets = No
        Log hours on not-started activities = No
        Log hours on completed activities = Yes
        Log hours on activities before the activity start date = No
        Log hours on activities after the activity finish date = No

    Data Limits
        EPS/WBS tree maximum levels = 11
            CAUTION: Your project contains 1546 WBS Code tree levels.
                This is greater then maximum set above.  This setting only
                controls the maximums for levels that were added or edited
                after the setting was changed.  It does not guarantee that
                tree structures meet this criteria.
            CAUTION: Your project contains 1546 WBS Code tree levels.
                P3 uses a maximum of 10 WBS levels.  If you export this
                project to P3, some of this information will be lost.

        OBS tree maximum levels = 12
            CAUTION: Your project contains 16 OBS Code tree levels.
                This is greater then maximum set above.  This setting only
                controls the maximums for levels that were added or edited
                after the setting was changed.  It does not guarantee that
                tree structures meet this criteria.

        Resource tree maximum levels = 13
            CAUTION: Your project contains 438 Resource Code tree levels.
                This is greater then maximum set above.  This setting only
                controls the maximums for levels that were added or edited
                after the setting was changed.  It does not guarantee that
                tree structures meet this criteria.
            CAUTION: Your project contains 438 Resource Code tree levels.
                P3 does not use resource levels.  If you export this project
                to P3, some of this information will be lost.

        Role tree maximum levels = 14
            CAUTION: Your project contains 36 Resource Roles levels.
                This is greater then maximum set above.  This setting only
                controls the maximums for levels that were added or edited
                after the setting was changed.  It does not guarantee that
                tree structures meet this criteria.

        Cost Account tree maximum levels = 15
            NOTE: Your project contains 7 cost account levels.

        Maximum Activity Code tree maximum levels = 16
            NOTE: Your project contains 1 Activity Code tree levels.

        Resource Code Values tree maximum levels = 17
            NOTE: Your project contains 0 Resource Code Value tree levels.

        Project Code tree maximum levels = 18
            CAUTION: Your database contains 1546 Project Code Tree levels.
                This is greater then maximum set above.  This setting only
                controls the maximums for levels that were added or edited
                after the setting was changed.  It does not guarantee that
                tree structures meet this criteria.

        Maximum Activity Codes per project = 19
            NOTE: Your project contains 6 Activity Codes.

        Maximum baselines per project = 20
            NOTE: Your database contains a maximum of 3 Baseline
                schedules per project.
            NOTE: Your schedule has a total of 1 Baseline Schedules.

    ID Lengths
        Project ID maximum characters = 20
        WBS Code maximum characters = 19
        Resource ID maximum characters = 18
            NOTE: Even though your project currently does not have Resource
                IDs longer than the P3 maximum of 8, the above setting would
                allow this to happen. If you intend to export this project to
                P3, suggest that this maximum be set to 8.

        Activity ID maximum characters = 17 
            NOTE: Even though your project currently does not have Activity
                IDs longer than the P3 maximum of 10, the above setting would
                allow this to happen. If you intend to export this project to
                P3, suggest that this maximum be set to 10.

        Cost Account ID maximum characters = 16
        Role ID maximum characters = 15

    Time Periods
        NOTE: Project Manager uses these values as a conversion factor when
            displaying the time units and duration display formats you
            select.  It will round down if less than 50% of a whole unit is
            entered and round up if the value is 50% or more.
        Number of Hours/Day =  8 
        Number of Hours/Week = 40
        Number of Hours/Month = 172
        Number of Hours/Year = 2000
        NOTE: Project Manager uses the following abbreviations when
            displaying the time units and duration display formats that
            you select.
        Minute abbreviation = n
                NOTE: the default for this abbreviation is 'n' instead of 'm'
                    because the letter 'm' is the default for Month.
        Hours abbreviation = h
        Days abbreviation = d
        Weeks abbreviation = w
        Months abbreviation = m
        Years abbreviation = y

    Earned Value
        NOTE: You can change the earned value settings for specific WBS
            elements in the Work Breakdown Structure window.
        Technique for computing performance % complete = 0/100 % Complete
        If Custom % Complete, value used is = 7%
        Estimate To Complete = PF * (BAT - EV)
            where PF = 1/(Cost Performance Index * Schedule Performance Index)
        If User Assigned Performance Factor is used, (PF) = 0.88
        Does Earned Value use Fixed Costs? = Yes

        First Set:
            Header Label 1 = Header Label 1 (Ron Added)
            Footer Label 1 = Footer Label 1 (Ron Added)
            Custom Label 1 = Custom Label 1 (Ron Added)

        Second Set:
            Header Label 2 = Header 2
            Footer Label 2 = Footer 2
            Custom Label 2 = User Variable 2

        Third Set:
            Header Label 3 = Header 3
            Footer Label 3 = Footer 3
            Custom Label 3 = User Variable 3

        Interval to summarize and store resource spreads for WBS Level = Month
        Interval for resource spreads: Resource/Role Assignment Level = Month
        Allow use of Project Architect = Yes

    User Fields          (NOTE: Undefined user fields are not listed.)
        Project Information
            user_number1 = Test User Field 1
        Project Work Breakdown Structure
        Resource Information
            user_text4 = Unit of Measure
        Activity Information
            user_end_date1 = (blank)
                WARNING: Data exists in your project for the above named
                    user column, but the definition is blank.  This often
                    occurs when you import a P3 schedules into P3e.
            user_integer1 = Test Act User 1
            user_integer2 = Longest Path Val
            user_integer3 = Logical Sequence
            user_number3 = Change Order Cost
            user_start_date1 = (blank)
                WARNING: Data exists in your project for the above named
                    user column, but the definition is blank.  This often
                    occurs when you import a P3 schedules into P3e.
            user_text3 = Change Order #
        Activity Steps
            user_end_date1 = Finish
            user_start_date1 = Start
        Resources Assigned to Activities
            user_integer2 = Longest Path Val
            user_integer3 = Logical Sequence

    Rate Types
        cost_per_qty = Price / Unit
        cost_per_qty2 = Price / Unit2
        cost_per_qty3 = Price / Unit3
        cost_per_qty4 = Price / Unit4
        cost_per_qty5 = Price / Unit5

Project Date Analysis. 
    Planned Start Date = 25MAY02
    Data Date = 25MAY02
    Project Early Finish = 25NOV03
        Note: Total project duration is 550 calendar days.

    Must Finish By Date = (not set)

Project Calendars. 
    Global Calendars: [# Tasks] Calendar Name
        [   61] Standard 5 Day Workweek
        [    1] 24/7 Workweek Schedule (non-labor)

Active Calendar Details. 
    Global Calendars
        Global Calendar: Standard 5 Day Workweek
            Default Schedule
            Last Modified: 14AUG03
            Work Days
                Sunday = Nonwork day
                Monday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 08:00-12:00
                    Work Hours: 13:00-17:00
                Tuesday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 08:00-12:00
                    Work Hours: 13:00-17:00
                Wednesday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 08:00-12:00
                    Work Hours: 13:00-17:00
                Thursday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 08:00-12:00
                    Work Hours: 13:00-17:00
                Friday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 08:00-12:00
                    Work Hours: 13:00-17:00
                Saturday = Nonwork day

        Global Calendar: 24/7 Workweek Schedule (non-labor)
            Last Modified: 12MAY00
            Work Days
                Sunday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Monday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Tuesday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Wednesday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Thursday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Friday = Work day
                    Work Hours: 00:00-23:59
                Saturday = Work day

    Project Calendars: (none)
    Resource Calendars: (none)

============================= Activity Checks ==============================
Check Activity Data Integrity. 
    Check 6. Planned Start Date = Null. OK
    Check 7. Activity Planned Finish Date = Null. OK
    Check 32. Activity Planned Start Date < Project Planned Start Date. OK
    Check 33. Activity Planned Finish Date < Project Planned Start Date. OK
    Check 39. Activity Actual Start Date > Data Date. 
| ACTUAL START IS LATER THAN DATA DATE (25MAY02)                           |
| ACT              START  TITLE                                            |
+----------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------+
|P1G100            27MAY02 MOBILIZATION                                    |
 1 activity was found.

    Check 39a. Activity 0 Percent Complete = 'Not Started' Status. OK
    Check 39b. Activity 1-99 Percent Complete = 'In-Progress' Status. OK
    Check 39c. Activity 100 Percent Complete = 'Complete' Status. OK
    Check 44. Not Started activity Actual Units > 0. OK
    Check 45. Completed activity & Remaining Units > 0. OK
    Check 46. Not Started activity & Actual Start Date <> Null. OK
    Check 47. Not Started activity & Actual Finish Date <> Null. OK
    Check 48. Not Started activity & Remaining Start Date = Null. OK
    Check 49. Not Started activity & Remaining Finish Date = Null. OK
    Check 50. Not Started activity is for review to finish. OK
    Check 52. In Progress activity & Remaining Finish Date = Null. OK
    Check 53. Completed activity & Actual Start Date = Null. OK
    Check 54. Completed activity & Actual Finish Date = Null. OK
    Check 55. Completed activity & Remaining Start Date <> Null. 
        Warning: Activity P1G100 failed.
    Check 56. Completed activity & Remaining Finish Date <> Null. OK
    Check 57. Completed activity has Floats and Early/Late Dates. OK
    Check 59. Activity Planned Finish Date < Planned Start Date. OK
    Check 60. Activity Actual Finish Date < Actual Start Date. OK
    Check 61. Activity Remaining Finish Date < Remaining Start Date. OK
        WARNING: Your activity data values have integrity problems as
            listed above.  To fix this, open your project, from the menu
            select 'Tools', and then select 'Integrity Check'.

Activity Types Overview. 
    There are a total of 40 activities in this schedule.
    Listed by category type, the totals are;
        Fixed Duration CPM Activity:
                    Task Dependent     = 37 
        Computed Duration CPM Activity:
                    Resource Dependent = 2 
        Zero Duration Mileposts:
                    Start Milestones   = 1 
                    Finish Milestones  = 0 
        Summary (Non-CPM) Activity:
                    Level Of Effort    = 0 
        CAUTION: Many contracts specify the maximum or minimum number of
            activities allowed in the schedule.  For this purpose, the first
            two categories above are usually totaled = 39 activities.

Milestone Checks.

| MILESTONES CODED AS ACTIVITIES                                           |
| ACT              O-DUR FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1G105                0     0 CLEAR SITE                                  |
|P1G110                0     0 GENERAL CONDITIONS                          |
|P1G200B               0   381 PROCUREMENT OF ESW/SL SIGNS                 |
|P1N1140               0     0 PLACE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                    |
|P1N1145               0     0 PLACE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                  |
|P1N1150               0     0 EXCAVATE                                    |
|P1N1170               0     0 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE       |
|P1N1180               0     0 REMOVE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                 |
|P1N1185               0     0 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                      |
|P1N1190               0     0 DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD              |
|P1N1195               0     0 REMOVE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                   |
|P1N1200               0     0 PLACE CONST. BARRIER & TEMP. STRIPING RAMP  |
|P1N1202               0     0 CONSTRUCT TEMP. BENT #1 & #2                |
|P1N1210               0     0 EXCAVATE RAMP & INSTALL 15 RCP PIPE WITH INL|
|P1N1220               0   392 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE       |
|P1N1230               0   392 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                      |
|P1N1235               0   392 REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BARRIER                |
|P1N1240               0   392 PLACE TEMP. STRIPING & DIVERT TRAFFIC       |
|P1NP200C              0   381 PROCUREMENT OF SIGN STRUCTURES              |
| MILESTONE ACTIVITIES                                                     |
| ACT               TYPE  FLOAT TITLE                                      |
+----------------- ------ ----- -------------------------------------------+
|P1G098            Start      0 BEGIN PROJECT                              |
 1 Milestone activity exists in this schedule.
    CAUTION: You are missing Start Milestones such as Notice To Proceed.
    CAUTION: The only milestones that should be in a Baseline Schedule are
            contractually required ones.  Verify that the above list is
            reasonable and inclusive.

 This schedule doesn't use Level-Of-Effort (LOE) summary activities.
    NOTE: LOE activities are useful for 'rolling-up' the status of a
        group of activities.  You can use a filter to show the LOE and
        hide the summarized activities.  You can create a group section
        at the top of your schedule to display LOEs and milestones.
Activity Checks. 
Activity ID's. 
 0 activities look like numeric Activity IDs that are not.
 0 alpha/numeric Activity IDs are not left-justified.
 0 Activity IDs have embedded blanks.

Activity Durations. 

| ACT              ACT-TYPE DURATION-TYPE   TITLE                          |
+----------------- --------- --------------- ------------------------------+
|P1N1170           Task   Fixed Quanity   PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE   |
|P1N1185           Task   Fixed Quanity   PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE           |
|P1N1220           Task   Fixed Quanity   PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE   |
|P1N1230           Task   Fixed Quanity   PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE           |
|P1N2105B          Task   Fixed Quanity   INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICE   |
|P1N2220           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT FOOTING                |
|P1N2230           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL         |
|P1N2260           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1N2270           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1N2300           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1N2320           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1N3200           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1N3220           Task   Fixed Quanity   CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGA   |
|P1NP100A          Resource  FixDur&Unit/Tim PROCUREMENT OF NOISE BARRIER P|
 14 activities have mismatched Activity / Duration Types.
        TASK Dependent Activities:
            Fixed Duration & Units/Time: Activity duration remains constant
                while the remaining units to change.
            Fixed Durations & Units: Activity duration remains constant
                while the units/time to change.
        RESOURCE Dependent Activities:
            Fixed Rate: Resource units per time remains constant when the
                activity duration or units change.
            Fixed Quanity: Activity units remains constant when the duration
                or resource units per time change. 
Activity Durations. 
    Of the 39 CPM-type activities in the schedule,
    The minimum duration was 0 days.
    The maximum duration was 201 days.
    Average duration of these activities was 12 days.

    NOTE: Many contracts specify the minimum or maximum allowable durations
        of activities included in the schedule.  It is best to not consider
        milestones or summary activities when qualifying durations.  The 
        analysis above only considers Task and Resource type activities and
        excludes all others.

| ACTIVITY DURATION HISTOGRAM (excluding Milestones and Level-Of-Effort)   |
|   DAYS     COUNT  GRAPH                                                  |
!---------- ------  -------------------------------------------------------+
|     0         19  #######################################################|
|    1-5         2  ######                                                 |
|    6-10        6  ##################                                     |
|   11-15        3  #########                                              |
|   16-20        1  ###                                                    |
|   21-25        4  ############                                           |
|   26-30        3  #########                                              |
|   31-35        0                                                         |
|   36-40        0                                                         |
|   41-45        0                                                         |
|   46-50        0                                                         |
|   51-55        0                                                         |
|   56-60        0                                                         |
|   61-65        0                                                         |
|   66-70        0                                                         |
|   71-75        0                                                         |
|   76-80        0                                                         |
|   81-85        0                                                         |
|   86-90        0                                                         |
|   91-95        0                                                         |
|   96-100       0                                                         |
|  101-105       0                                                         |
|  106-110       0                                                         |
|  111-115       0                                                         |
|  116-120       0                                                         |
|  121-125       0                                                         |
|  126-130       0                                                         |
|  131-135       0                                                         |
|  136-140       0                                                         |
|  141-145       0                                                         |
|  146-150       0                                                         |
|  151-155       0                                                         |
|  156-160       0                                                         |
|  161-165       0                                                         |
|  166-170       0                                                         |
|  171-175       0                                                         |
|  176-180       0                                                         |
|  181-185       0                                                         |
|  186-190       0                                                         |
|  191-195       0                                                         |
|  196-200       0                                                         |
|  201-205       1  ###                                                    |
 39 of Tasks and Resource Activities (Non-Milestone) are represented above.
 19 activities have zero duration.
    CAUTION: Tasks should not have zero durations.  Only milestones should
        have zero Original Duration.  Suggest that you convert these
        activities into milestones.

 0 activities had durations equal to 1.
| ACTIVITY DURATIONS GREATER THAN 20 days                                  |
| ACT              O-DUR FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1N2105B            201     0 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES             |
|P1N2220              27     0 CONSTRUCT FOOTING                           |
|P1N2230              27     0 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                    |
|P1N2270              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2300              25     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2320              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
 6 activities had long durations.
    CAUTION: Many specifications require activities to be defined with dur-
        ations less than a set number.  The intent of this requirement is to
        allow for better monitoring and control of the work described by the
        activity.  Typically, the reviewer is allowed to wave this require-
        ment in the case of summary activities or deliveries, etc.

| SUSPICIOUS ORIGINAL DURATIONS                                            |
| ACT              O-DUR FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1N2100              12     0 PLACE CONST. BARRIER                        |
|P1N2105B            201     0 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES             |
|P1N2200              12     0 INSTALL TEMP. SHEETING                      |
|P1N2210              12     0 EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL                     |
|P1N2220              27     0 CONSTRUCT FOOTING                           |
|P1N2230              27     0 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                    |
|P1N2270              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2320              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
 9 activities had suspicious original durations.
    CAUTION: Some schedulers arbitrarily modify activity durations to make
        various near-critical logic chains match total durations exactly,
        thus artificially producing multiple critical paths.  The above
        listed activities have 'odd' durations, which should be
        investigated further, especially if they are critical.

 0 activities had suspicious remaining durations.
| ACTIVITY DISTRIBUTION HISTOGRAM (using 1/2 Float)                        |
|   MONTH   ACTIVE  GRAPH                                                  |
!---------- ------  -------------------------------------------------------+
| May 2002      15  #######################################################|
| Jun 2002       3  ###########                                            |
| Jul 2002       1  ####                                                   |
| Aug 2002       9  #################################                      |
| Sep 2002       4  ###############                                        |
| Oct 2002       1  ####                                                   |
| Nov 2002       1  ####                                                   |
| Dec 2002       1  ####                                                   |
| Jan 2003       1  ####                                                   |
| Feb 2003       1  ####                                                   |
| Mar 2003       2  ########                                               |
| Apr 2003       3  ###########                                            |
| May 2003       2  ########                                               |
| Jun 2003       3  ###########                                            |
| Jul 2003       3  ###########                                            |
| Aug 2003       2  ########                                               |
| Sep 2003       3  ###########                                            |
| Oct 2003       3  ###########                                            |
| Nov 2003       3  ###########                                            |
 39 activities are planned to be active during the above periods.
    NOTE: You should confirm that the schedule is roughly equally detailed
        from the start to the finish of the project.  The above curve should
        be somewhat flat and balanced on both ends.  A lower second half
        might indicate an under-developed finish plan.
    CAUTION: A schedule with an underdeveloped ending indicates that the
        Contractor has not fully taken into account all issues and is thus
        less accurate.  It won't do you any good to be on schedule just to 
        find out that the finish did not provide enough time to complete.

Status in Baseline Schedule.
| ACTUAL DATES IN BASELINE SCHEDULE                                        |
| ACT              START   FINISH  TITLE                                   |
+----------------- ------- ------- ----------------------------------------+
|P1G100            27MAY02 27MAY02 MOBILIZATION                            |
 1 activity had actual dates.
    CAUTION: Baseline Schedules should not contain actual dates (except for
        Notice To Proceed, if already passed.)  Otherwise, you risk having
        poorly performing activities accepted as part of the Baseline and
        not as part of the history of the project.

Topic Checks.
 0 activities were missing descriptions.
 0 activities have inappropriate descriptions.

| DUPLICATE ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS                                          |
| ACT              O-DUR FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1N3220               6     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N3225B              6     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N3200              20     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2260              20     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2320              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2270              24     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2300              25     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1230               0   392 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                      |
|P1N1185               0     0 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                      |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1220               0   392 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE       |
|P1N1170               0     0 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE       |
|                                                                          |
 11 duplicate activity descriptions exist.
    CAUTION: Activities with duplicate descriptions are confusing to track.
        Even though they may be coded for different areas, this is not
        always clear on print-outs.  Suggest that you start each description
        with 'AREA A - (description)' instead.
 0 Notice To Proceed Activities were found.
    CAUTION: There does not appear to be a Notice To Proceed in this 
         schedule.  All projects run under the concept of 'Time Is Of The 
         Essence' require a formal declaration of the start of the project. 

 Mobilization started on 27MAY02.
 0 Substantial Completion Activities were found.
    CAUTION: There does not appear to be a Substantial Completion in this 
         schedule. Regardless of whether it is called out by specification, 
         it is widely recognized legally as the termination point for the 
         assessment of Liquidated Damages and thus should be included. 

 0 Occupancy Activities were found.

 0 Percent Complete Activities were found.

 0 Submittal Activities were found.
    CAUTION: You may have submittal activities but they do not say 
         'SUBMIT.'  Sometimes the schedule will just say, 'HVAC DRAWINGS'.  
         This is not enough as it may or may not include the review period. 
          Suggest that you require 'SUBMIT' and 'REVIEW' as separate and 
         distinct acts. 

 0 Review and Approval Activities were found.
    CAUTION: It is in the Owner's and Contractor's best interests to 
         include all significant submittals in the schedule.  It serves as 
         a checklist, helping the Contractor to remember this important 
         task.  More importantly, the Submittal-Review-Deliver process 
         frequently impacts the critical path of projects with major items 
         to install. 

| Inspection ACTIVITIES                                                    |
| ACT              O-DUR FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1N2240               2     0 PLACE POROUS FILL BEHIND WALL               |
 1 possible Inspection Activity was found.
    CAUTION: You should check the above activities to ensure that the time 
         allotted is within the specified minimums and that such activities 
         are scheduled based on workday (not weekend) schedules. 

 0 Utility Activities were found.
    CAUTION: It is a rare project that does not involve some utility work.  
         The time necessary for this work should be represented in the 

 0 Material Delivery Activities were found.
    CAUTION: Any long-lead items should be added to the schedule to show 
         their impact on construction timing. 

 0 Temporary Activities were found.

 0 Exceptional Issues Activities were found.

Float Issues.
    Project Critical Float (the lowest float in the schedule) is  0 days.
    Critical Float is very important in Baseline Schedules.
        Many specifications limit the percentage of activities that can be
        critical or near-critical in the Baseline Schedule.  A typical upper
        limit is a maximum of 30% critical and 50% critical or near-critical.

            Critical Activities = 75.00%
            Critical and Near-
            Critical Activities = 75.00% (Total Float less than 5 days.)

    The Longest Path is more important than the Critical Path.
        The Longest Path is considered a more-accurate method of measuring
        the criticality of a schedule.  In this schedule we found:
        The Longest Path exactly matches the Critical Path.

=========================== Activity Code Checks ===========================

Activity Code Checks 
 0 Activity Code Value definitions are blank.
 0 Activity Code Value definitions are insufficiently defined.
 0 Activity Code definitions are duplicated.

The following Activity Code Value definitions are duplicated:
    CSI Code
        09    Finishes
        09.000    Finishes
        04    Masonry
        04.000    Masonry
        02    Sitework
        02.000    Sitework
 3 Activity Code Value definitions are duplicated.
    CAUTION: The above Activity Code Titles are not unique.  This can lead
        to confusion and errors.  Suggest that you better define these.

        [   38] Construction Department
        [     ] Engineering Department
        [     ] Information Systems Department
        [     ] Management
        [    2] Purchasing Department
        [     ] Close-In Phase
        [     ] Design and Engineering Phase
        [     ] Finishes and Closeout Phase
        [   24] Foundation Construction Phase
        [   16] Installation Phase
        [     ] Procurement Phase
        [     ] Rough-In Phase
        [     ] Structural Phase
        [     ] System Integration Phase I
        [     ] System Integration Phase II
    Resp. Discipline
        [     ] All Disciplines
        [     ] Architectural
        [    1] Civil Engineering
        [     ] Contracts
        [     ] Electrical Engineering
        [     ] Estimating
        [     ] HVAC Engineering
        [     ] Instrumentation Engineering
        [     ] Interior Systems
        [     ] Mechanical Engineering
        [     ] Project Management
        [     ] Process Engnieering
        [     ] Production Management
        [     ] Prototyping
        [     ] Scheduling
        [     ] Structural Engineering
        [     ] Systems Engineering
        [     ] Andy Mason
        [    3] Alice White - Purchasing
        [   21] George Green - Sitework Crew Foreman
        [    4] Joyce A. Miller - Paving Crew Foreman
        [    9] Joe Martin - Structural Crew Foreman
        [     ] Joe Nolan
        [     ] Ken Lang - Design Team
        [     ] Linda Haris
        [     ] Meg Foley
        [     ] Norman Tilotti - Site Project Manager
        [     ] Pete Reynolds - Electrical Crew Foreman
        [    3] Richard Stevens - Site Project Manager
        [     ] Tim Evans
        [     ] Tom Mills
    CSI Code
        [     ] Management
            [     ] Punchlist
            [     ] Close Out
            [     ] Phase II Occupancy Certificate
        [    2] Indirect Costs
            [     ] Temporary Facilities
            [     ] Temporary Utilities
            [     ] Cleaning
            [     ] General Expense
        [    1] Sitework
            [   12] Sitework
            [     ] Demolition
            [    6] Site Preparation
            [    5] Earthwork - Excavation and Backfill
            [    5] Excavation
            [     ] Storm Sewers
            [     ] Landscaping
            [     ] Paving
            [    2] Piped Utilities
            [     ] Power & Communication Utilities
        [    7] Concrete
            [     ] General Concrete
            [     ] Cast-in-Place Concrete
        [     ] Masonry
            [     ] Masonry
            [     ] Unit Masonry
            [     ] Brick Masonry
            [     ] Stone
        [     ] Metals
            [     ] Structural Steel
            [     ] Metal Decking
            [     ] Miscellaneous Metal
            [     ] Ornamental Metal
        [     ] Woods and Plastics
            [     ] Rough Carpentry
            [     ] Finish Carpentry / Architecural Woodwork
            [     ] Milled Woodwork
        [     ] Thermal & Moisture Protection
            [     ] Insulation
            [     ] Spray on Fireproofing
            [     ] Roofing and Slate Siding
            [     ] Built up Bituminous Roofing
        [     ] Doors & Windows
            [     ] Metal Door & Frames
            [     ] Folding Doors
            [     ] Entrances and Storefronts
            [     ] Wood & Plastic Windows
            [     ] Curtain Wall
        [     ] Finishes
            [     ] Finishes
            [     ] Gypsum Wallboard
            [     ] Ceramic Tile
            [     ] Acoustic Ceilings
            [     ] Resilient Flooring
            [     ] Painting
        [     ] Specialties
            [     ] Partitions
            [     ] Toilet and Bath Accessories
        [     ] Equipment
            [     ] Food Service Equipment
            [     ] Industrial and Process Equipment
            [     ] Medical Equipment
        [     ] Furnishing
            [     ] Window Treatments
            [     ] Furniture and Accessories
        [     ] Special Construction
            [     ] Clean Rooms
        [     ] Conveying Systems
            [     ] Elevators
            [     ] Material Handling Systems
        [     ] Mechanical Systems
            [     ] Plumbing
            [     ] Fire Protection
            [     ] HVAC
        [     ] Electrical
            [     ] General Electrical
            [     ] Lighting
            [     ] Communications
            [     ] Controls
        [     ] Building Management Systems
            [     ] Environmental
            [     ] Security Systems
        [     ] Miscellaneous
            [     ] Architectural
    South Lane Closing (PROJECT CODE)
        [    2] Southbound Lane 1
        [     ] Southbound Lane 2
        [   19] Southbound Lane 3
        [   12] Southbound Lane 4
 134 Activity Code Values found.
    NOTE: Look through the above list for under-represented codes.  This
        might indicate missing activities or a lack of proper detail.
        Nearly identical descriptions might be in error and will lead to
        confusion.  Missing codes may indicate missing work.

Project-Level WBS Analysis. 
 0 errors were found with project WBS records.
 0 errors were found with task-level WBS assignments.
 0 WBS code definitions were blank.
 0 WBS code definitions were duplicates.

    [     ] Phase 1 - Southbound
        [     ] Traffic Control
            [     ] Site Work
                [     ] Site Improvements
                    [    2] Walk/Road/Parking Appurtenances
            [     ] General
                [     ] Construction Facilities & Temp. Controls
                    [    3] Project Signs
                    [    5] Barriers & Enclosures
                    [    5] Access Roads
        [     ] Construction
            [     ] Concrete
                [     ] Cast-In-Place Concrete
                    [    9] Structural Concrete
            [     ] Site Work
                [     ] Sewerage & Drainage
                    [    1] Subdrainage Systems
                [     ] Paving & Resurfacing
                    [    2] Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
                    [    2] Surfacing
                [     ] Site Preparation
                    [    1] Site Clearing
                    [    1] Underpinning
                [     ] Earthwork
                    [    4] Excavation & Backfill
                    [    1] Erosion Control
            [     ] General
                [    2] Construction Facilities
                [    2] Overhead
 29 Project WBS Codes found.
    NOTE: Look through the above list for under-represented codes.  This
        might indicate missing activities or a lack of proper detail.
        Nearly identical descriptions might be in error and will lead to
        confusion.  Missing codes may indicate missing work.

=========================== Relationship Checks ============================

Relationship Checks 
 0 Relationship Records are bogus.
 0 SF relationships were found.
 0 non-overlapping lags were found.

| ODD LAGS OR LEADS USED (Rel Key: Relationship/Lag)                       |
| PRED             SUCC              FLOAT TITLE                           |
+----------------- ----------------- ----- --------------------------------+
|P1N2230           Rel=SS/15             0 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL        |
|                  P1N2220               0 CONSTRUCT FOOTING               |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2270           Rel=SS/15             0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                  P1N2260               0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
|P1N2300           Rel=SS/15             0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                  P1N2270               0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
|P1N2320           Rel=SS/15             0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                  P1N2300               0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
|P1N3200           Rel=SS/15             0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                  P1N2320               0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
 5 Odd lags were found.
    NOTE: Lags and Leads are time intervals imposed between two activities.
        They are legitimately used to describe linked activities which are
        staggered or to represent a time interval, say for curing concrete.
            They can be also used to 'hide' float or otherwise artificially
        expand a project schedule without being visible on plots or in most
        reports. Negative lags can hide an unworkable project schedule by
        shortening it without changing activity durations.
    CAUTION: While lags and leads have legitimate uses, any such time inter-
        val over 5 should be individually investigated.

 0 Odd relationship pairs were found.
 0 Interruptible relationships were found.

| ACT              EXISTING RELS     FLOAT TITLE                           |
+----------------- ----------------- ----- --------------------------------+
|P1N1240           (none)              392 PLACE TEMP. STRIPING & DIVERT TR|
|P1N2195           (none)              381 ERECT SIGNS                     |
|P1N2220           SS/120                0 CONSTRUCT FOOTING               |
|P1N2260           SS/120                0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|P1N2270           SS/120                0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|P1N2300           SS/120                0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|P1N2320           SS/120                0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
 7 Activities were found.
    CAUTION: The above activities do not have any constraint on completion,
        only on their start.  Once started, CPM rules will not consider
        their completion important, other than for Project Completion.  A
        delay on this activity will not result in a Project Delay to the
        current path of activities.
    Note: The above activities are missing a Finish-To-Start or a Finish-To-
        Finish relationship that would tie the finish of this activity to
        the timing of successor activities.

| ACTIVITIES WITHOUT PREDECESSORS                                          |
| ACT               DUR  FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1G098                0     0 BEGIN PROJECT                               |
 1 activity is without predecessors.

| TOPIC 2, PREDECESSORS TO MOBILIZATION                                    |
| ACT               DUR  FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1G098                0     0 BEGIN PROJECT                               |
 1 activity preceds Mobilization
    CAUTION: The secret of getting a good start to a project is to make sure
        that the Contractor staffs-up early.  There should be no logical
        reason for Mobilization
        to occur any later than Notice To Proceed.

| ACTIVITIES WITHOUT SUCCESSORS                                            |
| ACT               DUR  FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1N1240               0   392 PLACE TEMP. STRIPING & DIVERT TRAFFIC       |
|P1N2195               3   381 ERECT SIGNS                                 |
 2 activities are without successors.
    CAUTION: A perfect schedule will only have one activity without a
        logical successor and that activity should be Project Complete.
        Schedules created this way are easier to manage and use for delay
        analysis. This also prevents activities with incorrect float values.

| MULTIPLE NEAR-CRITICAL PATH ACTIVITIES                                   |
| ACT              #PATH FLOAT TITLE                                       |
+----------------- ----- ----- --------------------------------------------+
|P1G098               16     0 BEGIN PROJECT                               |
|P1G110               15     0 GENERAL CONDITIONS                          |
|P1N1195              16     0 REMOVE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                   |
|P1N1180              16     0 REMOVE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                 |
|P1N1190              15     0 DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD              |
|P1G105               15     0 CLEAR SITE                                  |
|P1N1185              16     0 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                      |
|P1N1140              15     0 PLACE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                    |
|P1N1145              16     0 PLACE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                  |
|P1N1170              16     0 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE       |
|P1N1200              16     0 PLACE CONST. BARRIER & TEMP. STRIPING RAMP  |
|P1N1202              16     0 CONSTRUCT TEMP. BENT #1 & #2                |
|P1N1150              16     0 EXCAVATE                                    |
|P1N1210              16     0 EXCAVATE RAMP & INSTALL 15 RCP PIPE WITH INL|
|P1N2100              16     0 PLACE CONST. BARRIER                        |
|P1N2230               1     0 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                    |
|P1N2270               2     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2300               1     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N2320               3     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
|P1N3200               1     0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAINST WALL     |
 20 near-critical activities have multiple near-critical paths.
    NOTE: Any activity with a float value within 5 days was
        considered as near-critical and was included in this report.
        Multiple critical paths was determined if near-critical activities
        exist at the same time and are not immediately related.
    CAUTION: CPM networks should not have multiple critical paths without
        thorough justification.  Some Contractors adjust durations, logic, 
        and lead times so as to artificially create multiple paths.  This
        increases the number of critical activities which increases the 
        potential that any Owner-caused delay will look like a delay to the
        project.  Detail analysis of the above activities is recommended.

 0 Inter-project predecessor relationships were found.

| INTER-PROJECT SUCCESSORS (Rel Key: Relationship/Lag)                     |
| PRED             SUCC              FLOAT TITLE                           |
+----------------- ----------------- ----- --------------------------------+
|P2G600            Rel=SF/0              0 PROJECT COMPLETE                |
|                  P1G110                0 GENERAL CONDITIONS              |
|                                                                          |
|P2N2115B          Rel=SF/0             38 REMOVE GUIDE RAIL               |
|                  P1N2210               0 EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL         |
|                                                                          |
|P2G600            Rel=SF/0              0 PROJECT COMPLETE                |
|                  P1N3225B              0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
|P2G600            Rel=SF/0              0 PROJECT COMPLETE                |
|                  P1G110                0 GENERAL CONDITIONS              |
|                                                                          |
|P2N2115B          Rel=SF/0             38 REMOVE GUIDE RAIL               |
|                  P1N2210               0 EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL         |
|                                                                          |
|P2G600            Rel=SF/0              0 PROJECT COMPLETE                |
|                  P1N3225B              0 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|                                                                          |
 6 Inter-project successor relationships were found.
    CAUTION: Inter-project relationships define the conflict points of your
        project with others.  Every time you update your schedule, you will
        be affecting other projects at the above points.  Keeping the float
        and early start from fluctuating wildly here is a good idea.
        Recommend that you consider using 'float buffers' at these points.
        Special care should be used here.

============================ Constraint Checks =============================

Check Bogus Constraints. OK
| BASELINE SCHEDULE CONSTRAINTS                                            |
| ACT               CONSTRAINT       DATE    TITLE                         |
+----------------- ---------------- ------- -------------------------------+
|P1N2300           Start On/After   14JAN00 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAI|
|P1N3200           Start On/After   15JAN00 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAI|
 2 Baseline constraints were found.
    CAUTION: Baseline Schedules should only contain constraints that are
        specifically called out in the plans and specifications.  Otherwise,
        this can be thought of as the Contractor is "reserving float"
        (which is typically not allowed.)
    NOTE: If the Contractor resists removing non-contractual constraints,
        from the Baseline Schedule, the prudent Scheduler will note each 
        such constraint in the review of the Baseline and state that the
        Owner reserves the right to temporarily delete any such constraint
        when evaluating the effects of delays.

     0 As Late As Possible constraints were found.
     0 improper Expected Finish constraints were found.
     0 active Expected Finish constraints were found.
     0 Mandatory constraints were found.
     0 active Start On constraints were found.
=============================== Expense Checks ================================

| EXPENSE CATEGORY SUMMARY                                                 |
+------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------+
| Administration             0          0          0          0          0 |
| Consulting                 0          0          0          0          0 |
| Equipment                  0          0          0          0          0 |
| Facilities                 0          0          0          0          0 |
| Hardware                   0          0          0          0          0 |
| Legal & Professio          0          0          0          0          0 |
| Manufacturing              0          0          0          0          0 |
| Materials                  0          0          0    399,340    399,340 |
| Non-labor Resourc          0          0          0          0          0 |
| Shipping                   0          0          0          0          0 |
| Software                   0          0          0          0          0 |
| Training                   0          0          0          0          0 |
| Travel                     0          0          0          0          0 |
| (undefined)                0          0          0    315,487    315,487 |
+------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------+
| TOTALS                     0          0          0    714,827    714,827 |
 14 Expense Categories are summarized above.
    NOTE: Expenses are non-resource expenses associated with a project and
        assigned to a project's activities. They are typically one-time
        expenditures for non-reusable items. Examples of expenses include
        materials, facilities, travel, overhead, and training.
    NOTE: Expenses are not the same as resources. Resources generally extend
        across multiple activities and/or multiple projects. Examples of
        resources are personnel and equipment. Unlike resources, expenses
        are project-specific. Project Manager does not include expenses
        when leveling resources. Resource curves are not supported for

| ACTIVITIES WITH UNCATEGORIZED EXPENSES                                   |
| ACT              EXPENSE ITEM    COST ACCOUNT    TITLE                   |
+----------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------------+
|P1G100            015300     G    HWY1.015300.G   MOBILIZATION            |
|P1G110            010100     G    HWY1.010100.G   GENERAL CONDITIONS      |
|P1G200B           028400     M    HWY1.028400.M   PROCUREMENT OF ESW/SL SI|
|P1NP100A          028400     M    HWY1.028400.M   PROCUREMENT OF NOISE BAR|
|P1NP200C          028400     M    HWY1.028400.M   PROCUREMENT OF SIGN STRU|
|P1N2260           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N2270           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N2300           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N2320           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N3200           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N3220           Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N3225B          Barrier Concret                 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRI|
|P1N1230           (New Expense It                 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE  |
|P1N1235           (New Expense It                 REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BAR|
 14 expenses were found.
    CAUTION: If you complete the category assignments, then you can use
        these categories to organize and maintain your expense information.

     [           ] HWY1 
         [           ] HWY1.027100 Subdrainage Systems
             [           ] HWY1.027100.E Subdrainage Systems - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.027100.L Subdrainage Systems - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.028400 Site Improvements - Road Appurtenances
           6 [    108,000] HWY1.028400.M Site Improvements - Road Appurtenances - Category M
         [           ] HWY1.025??? Paving and Surfacing
         [           ] HWY1.025100 Asphaltic Concrete Pavement
             [           ] HWY1.025100.L Asphaltic Concrete Pavement - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.025100.E Asphaltic Concrete Pavement - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.025100.M Asphaltic Concrete Pavement - Category M
         [           ] HWY1.025400 Pavement Surfacing
             [           ] HWY1.025400.E Pavement Surfacing - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.025400.M Pavement Surfacing - Category M
             [           ] HWY1.025400.L Pavement Surfacing - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.028??? Site Improvements
         [           ] HWY1.160700 Underground Utilities
             [           ] HWY1.160700.L Underground Utilities - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.160700.E Underground Utilities - Category E
         [           ] HWY1.160??? Electrical
         [           ] HWY1.160100 Electric Conductors
             [           ] HWY1.160100.L Electric Conductors - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.160100.M Electric Conductors - Category M
         [           ] HWY1.033100 Structural Concrete
             [           ] HWY1.033100.L Structural Concrete - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.033100.M Structural Concrete - Category M
             [           ] HWY1.033100.E Structural Concrete - Category E
         [           ] HWY1.033??? Cast-in-place Concrete
         [           ] HWY1.022??? Earthwork
         [           ] HWY1.015500 Access Roads
             [           ] HWY1.015500.E Access Roads - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.015500.L Access Roads - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.015800 Signs
             [           ] HWY1.015800.L Signs - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.015800.E Signs - Category E
         [           ] HWY1.015300 Construction Facilities & Temp. Controls
           2 [        200] HWY1.015300.G Construction Facilities & Temp. Controls - Category G
             [           ] HWY1.015300.E Construction Facilities & Temp. Controls - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.015300.L Construction Facilities & Temp. Controls - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.010100 General Field Conditions
           2 [     39,000] HWY1.010100.G General Field Conditions - Category G
         [           ] HWY1.010??? General Conditions
         [           ] HWY1.021100 Site Clearing
             [           ] HWY1.021100.E Site Clearing - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.021100.L Site Clearing - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.022250 Excavation & Backfill
             [           ] HWY1.022250.E Excavation & Backfill - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.022250.L Excavation & Backfill - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.022270 Erosion Control
             [           ] HWY1.022270.L Erosion Control - Category L
             [           ] HWY1.022270.M Erosion Control - Category M
         [           ] HWY1.021??? Site Preparation
         [           ] HWY1.021200 Site Removals
             [           ] HWY1.021200.E Site Removals - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.021200.L Site Removals - Category L
         [           ] HWY1.021600 Underpinning
             [           ] HWY1.021600.E Underpinning - Category E
             [           ] HWY1.021600.L Underpinning - Category L
  12 [    283,830] (undefined)

| ACT              EXPENSE ITEM    TITLE                                   |
+----------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------+
|P1N2105B          Plastic Netting INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES         |
|P1N2220           Footing Concret CONSTRUCT FOOTING                       |
|P1N2230           Retaining Wall  CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                |
|P1N1230           (New Expense It PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                  |
|P1N1235           (New Expense It REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BARRIER            |
 12 expenses were found with missing Account Codes.
    CAUTION: If you complete the cost code assignments, then you can use
        these categories to organize and maintain your expense information.

| ACTIVITIES WITH NEGATIVE BUDGETED EXPENSES                               |
| ACT              BUDGETED COST TITLE                                     |
+----------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------+
|P1N1230                     -23 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                    |
 1 task was found with negative budget expenses.
    WARNING: Budgeted Expenses should only be negative if the task is 
        designed to make money.

| ACTIVITIES WITH NEGATIVE ACTUAL COSTS                                    |
| ACT                ACTUAL COST TITLE                                     |
+----------------- ------------- ------------------------------------------+
|P1N1235                     -44 REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BARRIER              |
 1 task was found with negative actual expenses.
    WARNING: Actual Expenses should only be negative if the task is making
        money instead of spending it.

| ACT              BUDGET EXP ACTUAL EXP TITLE                             |
+----------------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------+
|P1N1230                  -23          0 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE            |
 1 task was found with negative budget expenses.
    CAUTION: It is undesirable to spend more than you have budgeted for.
        You should investigate the reason for each event listed above.

 0 tasks were found with forecast expenses greater than budgeted.
============================= Resource Checks ==============================

| TIME DEPENDENT ACTIVITIES WITH RESOURCES                                 |
| ACT/ RESOURCE CODE  RESOURCE \  TITLE                                    |
+ ---- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------+
|P1G105            Not Started    CLEAR SITE                               |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1140           Not Started    PLACE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                 |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1145           Not Started    PLACE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER               |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1150           Not Started    EXCAVATE                                 |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      LOADER          Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.                              |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1170           Not Started    PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE    |
|      ROLLER1         Roller, Tandem                                      |
|                                                                          |
|      SPREADER        Aggregate Spreader                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-H         Highway Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1180           Not Started    REMOVE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER              |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1185           Not Started    PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                   |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      ROLLER2         Roller, Steel Wheel                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-H         Highway Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      PAVER           Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1190           Not Started    DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD           |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1195           Not Started    REMOVE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1200           Not Started    PLACE CONST. BARRIER & TEMP. STRIPING RAM|
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1202           Not Started    CONSTRUCT TEMP. BENT #1 & #2             |
|      LABOR-H         Highway Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1210           Not Started    EXCAVATE RAMP & INSTALL 15 RCP PIPE WITH |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-S         Skilled Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1220           Not Started    PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE    |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      ROLLER1         Roller, Tandem                                      |
|                                                                          |
|      SPREADER        Aggregate Spreader                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1230           Not Started    PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                   |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-H         Highway Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      ROLLER2         Roller, Steel Wheel                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      PAVER           Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.                             |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1235           Not Started    REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BARRIER             |
|      Concrete        Concrete                                            |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N1240           Not Started    PLACE TEMP. STRIPING & DIVERT TRAFFIC    |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2100           Not Started    PLACE CONST. BARRIER                     |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2105B          Not Started    INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2115A          Not Started    GRUB & STRIP TOPSOIL                     |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      TRUCKD          Dump Truck                                          |
|                                                                          |
|      DRIVER          Truck Driver - Heavy                                |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      LOADER          Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.                              |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2190           Not Started    INSTALL SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURE           |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      DRIVER          Truck Driver - Heavy                                |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      TRUCK           Truck - Flatbed, 3 Ton                              |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERL           Equipment Operator - Light                          |
|                                                                          |
|      POSTDRVR        Post Driver                                         |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2195           Not Started    ERECT SIGNS                              |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2200           Not Started    INSTALL TEMP. SHEETING                   |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      SHEETING        Sheeting Driver                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      CARP            Carpenter                                           |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      COMPR           Air Compressor & Hoses                              |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2210           Not Started    EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL                  |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      LOADER          Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.                              |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2220           Not Started    CONSTRUCT FOOTING                        |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2230           Not Started    CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                 |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2240           Not Started    PLACE POROUS FILL BEHIND WALL            |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|P1N2250           Not Started    BACKFILL RETAINING WALL                  |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|                                                                          |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|                                                                          |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|                                                                          |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|                                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|                                                                          |
 33 time-driven activities were found with resources.
    CAUTION: While it is not required that activities with resources should
        be resource-dependent, the current setting will not take resource
        requirements into consideration and cannot be resource leveled.  If
        all that you wish to do is track costs, you should use Cost Accounts.

| ACT              STATUS      FLOAT TITLE                                 |
+----------------- ----------- ----- --------------------------------------+
|P1NP100A          Not Started   311 PROCUREMENT OF NOISE BARRIER POST & PA|
 1 resource-driven activity was found without resources.
    CAUTION: Without resources, these activities should be set to time-
        dependent and be given a fixed time duration.

| LABOR AND NON-LABOR RESOURCE SUMMARY                                     |
| TYPE CODE            RESOURCE                                            |
+ ---- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------+
| NON-LABOR (EQUIPMENT) RESOURCES                                          |
|      Concrete        Concrete                                            |
| LABOR RESOURCES                                                          |
|      Finisher        Finisher                                            |
|      OPERL           Equipment Operator - Light                          |
|      PAVER           Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.                             |
|      POSTDRVR        Post Driver                                         |
|      OPERATOR        Equipment Operator                                  |
|      TRUCKD          Dump Truck                                          |
|      LOADER          Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.                              |
|      TRUCK           Truck - Flatbed, 3 Ton                              |
|      SPREADER        Aggregate Spreader                                  |
|      ROLLER1         Roller, Tandem                                      |
|      ROLLER2         Roller, Steel Wheel                                 |
|      SHEETING        Sheeting Driver                                     |
|      VIBRATOR        Gas Engine Vibrator                                 |
|      CRANE           Truck Crane                                         |
|      DOZER           Dozer, 200 H.P.                                     |
|      COMPR           Air Compressor & Hoses                              |
|      CARP            Carpenter                                           |
|      FOREMAN         Foreman                                             |
|      DRIVER          Truck Driver - Heavy                                |
|      LABOR-G         General Laborer                                     |
|      LABOR-H         Highway Laborer                                     |
|      LABOR-S         Skilled Laborer                                     |
 23 resources were found.
    CAUTION: P3 imports all resources with variable time-related costs as
        labor.  You should review the above list to see if there are non-
        labor (equipment) resources in the labor section and correct this.

| RESOURCE LAGS                                                            |
| ACT              RESOURCE          LAG O-DUR TITLE                       |
+----------------- --------------- ----- ----- ----------------------------+
|P1G100            Cleaning Labor      4     4 MOBILIZATION                |
|P1N2105B          LABOR-G             3   201 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVI|
 2 activities have resource lags.
    WARNING:  At least one of the above resources has a lag greater than or
        equal to the activity's original duration.  Resources should not
        start after the task ends.
    CAUTION: Resource lags represent the delay between when the activity
        starts and the resource starts.  Confirm that these values are

    [    ] Resource Pool Resources
        [    ] IS Information Systems Department
            [    ] GR George Roberts
                [    ] Fld Eng3 Field Eng-Assistant
                [    ] Fld Eng1 Field Eng-Senior
                [    ] Fld Eng2 Field Engineer
            [    ] AM Ashok Mehta
                [    ] Programmer 
                [    ] Sfwr Eng Software Engineer
                [    ] Hdwr Spec Hardware Specialist
                [    ] Fld Eng1-1 (New Resource)
        [    ] Purchasing Purchasing Department
            [    ] AC Ace Corp
            [    ] OR Oliver Rock
        [    ] Design Engineers Design Engineering Department
            [    ] WR Wendy Resner
            [    ] ED Ed Wood
            [    ] PK Paul Kim
            [    ] JY Jeff Young
            [    ] InstrEng Instrumentation Engineers
                [    ] IE2KARLN Karl Nester, Instrumentation
                [    ] IE2PAULK Paul Kelly, Instrumentation Engineer
                [    ] IE2PETEL Pete Lopez, Instrumentation Engineer
                [    ] IE1BRETS Bret Sanders, Instrumentation Engineer
                [    ] IE1CALB Cal Brown, Instrumentation Engineer
            [    ] ElecEng Electrical Engineers
                [    ] EE1BARBW Barb Wire, Senior Electrical Engineer
                [    ] EE1BOBN Bob Nice, ELectrical Designer
                [    ] EE2BILLS Bill Sanders, Junior Electrical Engineer
                [    ] EE2GLENB Glen Brown, Electrical Engineer
            [    ] StructEng Structural Engineers
                [    ] ST1LISAH Lisa Hall, Structural Designer
                [    ] ST2GREGM Greg Miller, Structural Engineer
                [    ] ST2JENM Jen Martin, Structural Engineer
            [    ] MechEng Mechanical Engineers
                [    ] HV2KATYD Katy Dunn, HVAC Engineer
                [    ] HV1TEDG Ted Green, HVAC Designer
                [    ] ME2DEBO Deb O'Brien, Junior Mechanical Engineer
                [    ] ME1GREGV Greg Van, Senior Mechanical Engineer
                [    ] ME1MARKH Mark Hall, Junior Mechanical Engineer
            [    ] CivilEng Civil Engineers
                [    ] CV2MIKEH Mike Hall, Civil Designer
                [    ] CV1TEDM Ted Miller, Civil Engineer
                [    ] CV2WILLS Will Summers, Civil Engineer
                [    ] CV1KERIB Keri Brown, Civil Engineer
            [    ] CostEng Cost Engineers
                [    ] CT1KELLY Kelly Frank, Cost Engineer
                [    ] CT2FRANK Frank Danson, Cost Engineer
            [    ] Arch Senior Architects
                [    ] AR2JIMG Jim Grady, Junior Architect
                [    ] AR1LORIW Lori White, Senior Architect**
                [    ] AR1BUDW Bud Williams, Senior Architect
        [    ] Construct Construction Department
            [    ] Construct Labor Labor Resources
                [    ] Plumber 
                [    ] Electrcn Electrician
                [    ] Machinist 
                [   9] Finisher 
                [    ] Hvac Tec Heating  Ventilation  & AC Technician
                [    ] Excavatr Excavator
                [    ] Fnshcarp Finishes Carpenter
                [    ] Flrlyr Floor and Carpet Layer
                [    ] Irwk Ironworker
                [    ] Laborer Laborer-Construction
                [    ] Op Eng Operating Engineer
                [    ] Painter 
                [    ] Mason 
                [    ] Elev Inst Elevator Installer
                [    ] Rghcarp Rough Carpenter
                [    ] 100ft Crane 
            [    ] Construct Nonlabor Nonlabor Resources
                [    ] Piping Mat Piping Material
                [   1] Concrete 
        [    ] ENGR Project Resources for ENGR Project
            [    ] ENGR Labor Engineer Labor
                [    ] GENCNTR General Contractor Personnel
            [    ] ENGR NonLabor Engineer NonLabor
                [    ] MACHINEA MACHINE A
                [    ] MACHINEB MACHINE B
        [    ] Highway Project Resources for Highway Project
            [    ] Highway Labor 
                [  13] OPERATOR Equipment Operator
                [   1] SHEETING Sheeting Driver
                [   1] CARP Carpenter
                [  32] FOREMAN Foreman
                [    ] ELEC Electrician
                [  28] LABOR-G General Laborer
                [   4] LABOR-H Highway Laborer
                [   1] LABOR-S Skilled Laborer
            [    ] Highway NonLabor 
                [   1] OPERL Equipment Operator - Light
                [   2] PAVER Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.
                [   1] POSTDRVR Post Driver
                [   1] TRUCKD Dump Truck
                [   3] LOADER Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.
                [    ] STRIPPER Paint Stripper, S.P.
                [   1] TRUCK Truck - Flatbed, 3 Ton
                [   2] SPREADER Aggregate Spreader
                [   2] ROLLER1 Roller, Tandem
                [   2] ROLLER2 Roller, Steel Wheel
                [   9] VIBRATOR Gas Engine Vibrator
                [   6] CRANE Truck Crane
                [   8] DOZER Dozer, 200 H.P.
                [   1] COMPR Air Compressor & Hoses
                [    ] GRADER Grader - Ripper
                [   2] DRIVER Truck Driver - Heavy
        [    ] Management 
            [    ] Schedulers Project Managers
                [    ] PE3 Planning Engineer
            [    ] Inspectors 
            [    ] Accountants 
            [    ] PMs Project Managers
                [    ] PM1BOBP Bob Patterson, Project Manager
                [    ] PM1SUEW Sue White, Project Manager
            [    ] Supers Superintendents
                [    ] Project Super Project Superintendents
                [    ] Area Super Area Superintendents
                [    ] Trade Super Trade Superintendents
            [    ] Exec Executive
                [    ] PEXEC Project Executive
        [    ] School School Project
            [    ] School Labor Labor
                [    ] School Carp School Carpenter
                [    ] School Mason School Mason Tenderer
            [    ] School Subs Subcontrators
                [    ] LANGPAV Lang Paving
                [    ] GOCRETE Go Concrete
                [    ] REGENT Regent Contractors
                [    ] BRISTLE Bristle Paint and Paper
                [    ] KOENIG Koenig Designers
                [    ] JOLT Jolt Electrical Contractors
                [    ] STONY Stony Masonry Contractors
                [    ] HASKLE Haskle Mechnical Contractors
                [    ] ORVIS Orvis Elevators
                [    ] CNTYLN County Line Steel
                [    ] WSIDE West Side Industrials
                [    ] ALPHA Alpha Plumbing
    [   2] (resource defined but unassigned)

| ACTIVITY ROLES WITH UNASSIGNED RESOURCES                                 |
| ACT              ROLE            START    TITLE                          |
+----------------- --------------- -------- -------------------------------+
|P1G100            Cleaning Labor  27MAY02A MOBILIZATION                   |
|P1N1190           Structural Engi 27MAY02  DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD |
 2 activities have roles with unassigned resources.
    WARNING:  At least one of the above activities has started with an
        unassigned resource.  This resource must be assigned immediately!
    CAUTION: The above activities have roles assigned to them as a place-
        holder for a future resource assignment.  For resource reporting
        and leveling to be effective, these roles must be assigned specific

    [    ] Construction 
        [    ] Manage Management
        [   1] Clean Cleaning Labor
        [    ] Safety Protection and Safety Labor
        [    ] Eng Engineering
        [    ] Acct Accounting
        [    ] Sched Scheduling
    [    ] Engr Engineer
        [   1] SE Structural Engineer
        [    ] EE Electrical Engineer
        [    ] ME Mechanical Engineer

    NOTE: We recommend that if you use Roles, that you add the Roles
        column to your resource columns list.  If the Role column is
        not displayed in the Resources tab, right-click anywhere in
        the tab, then choose Customize Resource Columns. In the
        Available Options area, click Role, click the right arrow
        button, then click OK.

| PRIMARY RESOURCE SUMMARY                                                 |
| #ACTS FLOAT START    FINISH   #CONF RESOURCE                             |
+ ----- ----- -------- -------- ----- -------------------------------------+
|     1   392 27MAY02  25NOV03      0 Dozer, 200 H.P.                      |
 2 Primary Resources were found.
    NOTE:  Key for header columns:
        #ACTS  : Number of project activities assigned the Primary Resource.
        FLOAT  : Average project float.
        START  : Earliest activity early start ('A' = Actual Date.)
        FINISH : Latest activity late finish ('A' = Actual Date.)
        #CONF  : Nonproject conflicting activity count.
        RESOURCE : Resource name.

 0 activities use Activity Steps on this project.

| RESOURCES WITH COST ACCOUNTS                                             |
| ACT/RESOURCE        COST ACCOUNT         TITLE                           |
+-------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------+
|P1G105               (none)               CLEAR SITE                      |
|     DOZER           HWY1.021100.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.021100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.021100.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N1140              (none)               PLACE TEMP. MARKING TAPE        |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015500.L        General Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015500.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N1145              (none)               PLACE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER      |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015300.L        General Laborer                 |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015300.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015300.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015300.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N1150              (none)               EXCAVATE                        |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.022250.L        General Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.022250.L        Foreman                         |
|     LOADER          HWY1.022250.E        Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.          |
|P1N1170              (none)               PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE C|
|     ROLLER1         HWY1.025100.E        Roller, Tandem                  |
|     SPREADER        HWY1.025100.E        Aggregate Spreader              |
|     LABOR-H         HWY1.025100.L        Highway Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.025100.L        Foreman                         |
|     DOZER           HWY1.025100.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|P1N1180              (none)               REMOVE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER     |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015300.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015300.L        Foreman                         |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015300.L        General Laborer                 |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015300.L        Equipment Operator              |
|P1N1185              (none)               PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE          |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.025400.L        Foreman                         |
|     ROLLER2         HWY1.025400.E        Roller, Steel Wheel             |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.025400.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     LABOR-H         HWY1.025400.L        Highway Laborer                 |
|     PAVER           HWY1.025400.E        Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.         |
|P1N1190              (none)               DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD  |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015500.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N1195              (none)               REMOVE TEMP. MARKING TAPE       |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015500.L        Foreman                         |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015500.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N1200              (none)               PLACE CONST. BARRIER & TEMP. STR|
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015300.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015300.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015300.L        General Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015300.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N1202              (none)               CONSTRUCT TEMP. BENT #1 & #2    |
|     LABOR-H         HWY1.015500.L        Highway Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015500.L        Foreman                         |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015500.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     DOZER           HWY1.015500.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|P1N1210              (none)               EXCAVATE RAMP & INSTALL 15 RCP P|
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.027100.L        Foreman                         |
|     DOZER           HWY1.027100.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     LABOR-S         HWY1.027100.L        Skilled Laborer                 |
|P1N1220              (none)               PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE C|
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.025100.L        Foreman                         |
|     ROLLER1         HWY1.025100.E        Roller, Tandem                  |
|     SPREADER        HWY1.025100.E        Aggregate Spreader              |
|     DOZER           HWY1.025100.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.025100.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.025100.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N1230              (none)               PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE          |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.025100.L        Foreman                         |
|     LABOR-H         HWY1.025100.L        Highway Laborer                 |
|     ROLLER2         HWY1.025400.E        Roller, Steel Wheel             |
|     PAVER           HWY1.025100.E        Asphalt Paver, 130 H.P.         |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.025400.L        Equipment Operator              |
|P1N1235              (none)               REMOVE TEMP. CONSTR. BARRIER    |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015300.E        Equipment Operator              |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015300.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015300.L        General Laborer                 |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015300.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N1240              (none)               PLACE TEMP. STRIPING & DIVERT TR|
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015500.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N2100              (none)               PLACE CONST. BARRIER            |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015300.L        General Laborer                 |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015300.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015300.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015300.L        Foreman                         |
|P1N2105B             (none)               INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.022270.L        Foreman                         |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.022270.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N2115A             (none)               GRUB & STRIP TOPSOIL            |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.021100.L        Foreman                         |
|     TRUCKD          HWY1.021100.E        Dump Truck                      |
|     DRIVER          HWY1.021100.L        Truck Driver - Heavy            |
|     DOZER           HWY1.021100.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     LOADER          HWY1.021100.E        Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.          |
|P1N2190              (none)               INSTALL SIGN SUPPORT STRUCTURE  |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015800.L        General Laborer                 |
|     DRIVER          HWY1.015800.L        Truck Driver - Heavy            |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015800.L        Foreman                         |
|     TRUCK           HWY1.015800.E        Truck - Flatbed, 3 Ton          |
|     OPERL           HWY1.015800.L        Equipment Operator - Light      |
|     POSTDRVR        HWY1.015800.E        Post Driver                     |
|P1N2195              (none)               ERECT SIGNS                     |
|     CRANE           HWY1.015800.E        Truck Crane                     |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.015800.L        Foreman                         |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.015800.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.015800.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N2200              (none)               INSTALL TEMP. SHEETING          |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.021600.L        Foreman                         |
|     SHEETING        HWY1.021600.E        Sheeting Driver                 |
|     CARP            HWY1.021600.L        Carpenter                       |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.021600.L        General Laborer                 |
|     COMPR           HWY1.021600.E        Air Compressor & Hoses          |
|P1N2210              (none)               EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL         |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.022250.L        Foreman                         |
|     LOADER          HWY1.022250.E        Loader/Backhoe 80 H.P.          |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.022250.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.022250.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N2220              (none)               CONSTRUCT FOOTING               |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.033100.L        Foreman                         |
|     VIBRATOR        HWY1.033100.E        Gas Engine Vibrator             |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.033100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     Finisher        HWY1.033100.L        Finisher                        |
|P1N2230              (none)               CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL        |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.033100.L        Foreman                         |
|     VIBRATOR        HWY1.033100.L        Gas Engine Vibrator             |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.033100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     Finisher        HWY1.033100.L        Finisher                        |
|P1N2240              (none)               PLACE POROUS FILL BEHIND WALL   |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.022250.L        Foreman                         |
|     DOZER           HWY1.022250.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.022250.L        General Laborer                 |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.022250.L        Equipment Operator              |
|P1N2250              (none)               BACKFILL RETAINING WALL         |
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.022250.L        Foreman                         |
|     DOZER           HWY1.022250.E        Dozer, 200 H.P.                 |
|     OPERATOR        HWY1.022250.L        Equipment Operator              |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.022250.L        General Laborer                 |
|P1N2260              (none)               CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.033100.L        Foreman                         |
|     VIBRATOR        HWY1.033100.E        Gas Engine Vibrator             |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.033100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     Finisher        HWY1.033100.L        Finisher                        |
|P1N2270              (none)               CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.033100.L        Foreman                         |
|     VIBRATOR        HWY1.033100.E        Gas Engine Vibrator             |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.033100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     Finisher        HWY1.033100.L        Finisher                        |
|P1N2300              (none)               CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BARRIER AGAIN|
|     FOREMAN         HWY1.033100.L        Foreman                         |
|     VIBRATOR        HWY1.033100.E        Gas Engine Vibrator             |
|     LABOR-G         HWY1.033100.L        General Laborer                 |
|     Finisher        HWY1.033100.L        Finisher                        |
 34 activities have resources with Cost Accounts.
    CAUTION: If activities and resources both have cost accounts, then
        either the two accounts should be independent of each other, or the
        activity cost account should be a parent of the resource cost

=============================== Memo Checks ================================

    [    1] P3 Activity Log Info
 1 activity had task notes.

| INDEX TO ACTIVITY NOTES BY TOPIC                                         |
| TOPIC/ACT            TITLE                                               |
+--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------+
|                                                                          |
|Topic: Submittal                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|Topic: Review and Approval                                                |
|                                                                          |
|Topic: Material Delivery                                                  |
 3 activity notes were found.

| COMPLETE PROJECT MEMOS                                                   |
| ACT/MEMO TYPE/MEMO  TITLE                                                |
+-------------------- -----------------------------------------------------+
|    Memo Type: P3 Activity Log Info                                       |
|        Manufacturer will send submittal for review and                   |
|        approval before it is shipped.                                    |
|                                                                          |
 1 activity memo was found.
    CAUTION: Activity logs or memos can be considered a form of written 
        notification from the Contractor to the Owner about intent or 
        understanding. It is prudent to review and comment on any logs that
        state facts not in agreement by both parties in order to reserve
        your rights later.

================================== Recap ===================================

| CRITICAL PATH SUMMARY REVIEW                                             |
| ACT              START  TITLE/NOTES                                      |
+----------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------+
|P1G100            27MAY02 MOBILIZATION                                    |
|                          ** Actual Start after Data Date   **            |
|                          ** Actual Dates in Baseline Sched.**            |
|                          ** Mobilization Activity          **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Resource has lag >= Act. Dur.  **            |
|                          ** Unassigned activity resource.  **            |
|P1N1150           27MAY02 EXCAVATE                                        |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1G105            27MAY02 CLEAR SITE                                      |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1G098            27MAY02 BEGIN PROJECT                                   |
|                          ** Critical Milestone activity.   **            |
|                          ** Activity without predecessors. **            |
|                          ** Act precedes Mobilization      **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|P1G110            27MAY02 GENERAL CONDITIONS                              |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|P1N2100           27MAY02 PLACE CONST. BARRIER                            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1185           27MAY02 PLACE 2 SURFACE COURSE                          |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1140           27MAY02 PLACE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                        |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1195           27MAY02 REMOVE TEMP. MARKING TAPE                       |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1145           27MAY02 PLACE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                      |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1180           27MAY02 REMOVE TEMP. CONST. BARRIER                     |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1202           27MAY02 CONSTRUCT TEMP. BENT #1 & #2                    |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1190           27MAY02 DIVERT TRAFFIC ONTO TEMP. ROAD                  |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Unassigned activity resource.  **            |
|P1N1170           27MAY02 PLACE AGGREGATE & ASPHALT BASE COURSE           |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N1200           27MAY02 PLACE CONST. BARRIER & TEMP. STRIPING RAMP      |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Milestone coded as activity.   **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2115A          12JUN02 GRUB & STRIP TOPSOIL                            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2105B          24JUN02 INSTALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES                 |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Resource has lag >= Act. Dur.  **            |
|P1N2200           27MAR03 INSTALL TEMP. SHEETING                          |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2210           14APR03 EXCAVATE RETAINING WALL                         |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2220           30APR03 CONSTRUCT FOOTING                               |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to successor.          **            |
|                          ** No successor finish rel.       **            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2230           21MAY03 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL                        |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to predecessor.        **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2240           27JUN03 PLACE POROUS FILL BEHIND WALL                   |
|                          ** Inspection Activity            **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|P1N2250           10JUL03 BACKFILL RETAINING WALL                         |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to successor.          **            |
|                          ** No successor finish rel.       **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to predecessor.        **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to successor.          **            |
|                          ** No successor finish rel.       **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to predecessor.        **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to successor.          **            |
|                          ** No successor finish rel.       **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Baseline Schedule constraint.  **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duration longer than 20 days.  **            |
|                          ** Suspicious Original Duration.  **            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to predecessor.        **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to successor.          **            |
|                          ** No successor finish rel.       **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Odd lag to predecessor.        **            |
|                          ** One of multiple critical paths.**            |
|                          ** Baseline Schedule constraint.  **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duration/Activity Type Mismatch**            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
|                          ** Time-dependent with resources. **            |
|                          ** Duplicate Activity Description **            |
|                          ** Uncategorized expense assigned.**            |
|                          ** Expense without Cost Account.  **            |
 31 activities were found.
============================== End Of Report ===============================

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